
The Wealth Club Portal is the first and only portal where you can see all your alternative investments in one place.

When you invest through us, you simply log in to the Portal to see at a glance the most up to date valuation and your profit or loss.

To log in to Wealth Club Portal, click here »

Wealth Club Portal

If you invest in tax-efficient products – such as Venture Capital Trusts, the Enterprise Investment Scheme or the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme – you can also see how much income tax you could save and how the income tax relief affects the profit or loss. VCT investors can also see a full history of tax-free dividends. 

You can look at just the portfolios, or drill down to see each of the underlying investments. 

When available, you can see relevant documents: contract notes, investment updates, EIS3 and SEIS3 tax certificates. This makes it easier to keep track of important documents relating to your investment and reduces the amount of paperwork. 

For each investment and holding you have a full history: from the initial subscription, to the share allotment, dividend payments and top ups.