Peter Dines, Northern VCTs
Peter Dines of Mercia Asset Management talks to Wealth Club about the Northern VCTs.
These three VCTs, the first of which was among the earliest venture capital trusts (launched 1995), have an extremely loyal investor base. In December 2019 Mercia Asset Management acquired the VCT management from NVM Private Equity.
What kind of companies are the VCTs investing in now? Who are the stars of the more mature part of the portfolio? And how is the challenging macroeconomic environment affecting investee companies? Nick Hyett, investment manager at Wealth Club, interviews Peter to find out.
Please note: the opinions expressed in this video are the interviewee’s own and do not necessarily reflect the view of Wealth Club Limited. This interview, like our service, is not advice nor a personal recommendation. The products featured are not suitable for everyone and capital is at risk. Tax benefits depend on circumstances and tax rules can change. Remember, past performance is not a guide to the future. Dividends are variable and not guaranteed. If you’re unsure an investment is right for you, please seek professional advice.